Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Policy

SAXUM's mission is to provide engineering, procurement and project management services for the following industries:

• Mining,
• Cement and lime,
• Steel industry,
• Energy,
• Oil&Gas,
• Manufacturing,
• Infrastructure,
• Agroindustry.

To this end, SAXUM defines and documents this policy of Quality, Environment, Health and Safety of Workers, which is communicated and understood by its members for its application in all its processes and is available to the relevant interested parties.

This Quality policy is based on the following principles:

  • Satisfy in time, precision and quality the broad spectrum of technical needs of our clients, involving appropriate and efficient solutions throughout all stages of their projects.
  • Ensure compliance with the legal requirements applicable to the activities, standards, programs, policies and compliance voluntarily signed with customers and other stakeholders.
  • Promote the training and continuous improvement of our professionals to achieve excellence in engineering and procedures.
  • Continuously improve our internal processes by encouraging the participation and commitment of our staff, implementing proven and appropriate work methodologies, as well as providing the necessary resources for the development of the activities inherent to our company.
  • Have healthy, clean, orderly workspaces provided with the necessary technological tools for the efficient development of our activities in order to optimize productivity.
  • Strategically select and develop those suppliers and contractors committed and aligned with our Policy.
  • Prevent, reduce and manage the environmental impacts of our operations, promote the efficient use of natural resources, awareness of caring for the environment and commit ourselves to protect the environment and preventing pollution.
  • Prevent, reduce or eliminate hazards or risks, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of the health of the people who work in our processes.
  • Promote the consultation and participation of workers at all levels, providing adequate tools for its effective application.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We work closely with the community, promoting strategic alliances with official public, private organizations, NGOs, etc. in attention to different areas of interest, which interact through the different projects. A participatory methodology will be used in each community.

Program of visits to the industrial complex of the company with the objective of strengthening links between the community of influence, the family of employees and the company. The organization's policies are communicated and contact is made with the job of the staff employed.

Volunteering: we encourage our employees to actively participate in NGOs by multiplying their knowledge. In SAXUM we believe in training as a key tool to transform society. From this place, we work with young people and children from the populations where we settle, whom we consider the most important agents to influence and strengthen their own contexts, in pursuit of a more inclusive, democratic and rights-promoting society.

Internal Responsibility Dimension

This refers to practices that are adopted within the company and that basically have to do with creating a better working environment and using environmental resources efficiently and responsibly. In relation to the work environment, there are four aspects to consider.

 First, the management of human resources. It is about establishing responsible hiring practices, lifelong learning and training guidelines, instances of participation both in decision-making processes and in earnings; among others. Second, health and safety, areas in which CSR promotes voluntary actions that complement compliance with the norms and activities already demanded by public authorities. A third aspect is the management of change, given the need for restructuring, the concept of CSR demands to attend to the interests and concerns of the different stakeholders that could be affected by these changes and decisions, seeking to establish a balance between them.

Finally, efficient and responsible use of natural resources points to a decrease in the consumption of resources or of waste and emissions that could contaminate the environment.

 External Responsibility Dimension

This is oriented towards the community where the company is inserted. We can distinguish four spheres; With regard to local communities, the company contributes to the development of the community where it acts through the hiring of labor, the provision of its products and services and even though its tax contributions.

The second sphere of action refers us to relationships with business partners, suppliers and consumers. At this point, CSR aims to establish relationships that exceed the classic terms “cost-benefit” and that do recognize, instead, values ​​such as equity, trust and ethics.

 In relation to human rights, it aims to generate codes of conduct and voluntary practices as a complement to what is legislated and already established within the obligatory norms at both national, regional and international levels.

Environmental Responsibility

At SAXUM, we understand that creating economic, social and environmental value in all of our management implies; meet our commercial objectives and be a viable business, generate decent work for our employees, exercise an active, transparent and open role for the development of the community, and respect the environment in each of our operations, thus contributing to Sustainable development.

SAXUM is committed to effective environmental management based on the following principles:

  • Compliance to laws, regulations, codes, standards and other environmental legal and contractual requirements;
  • Assess possible environmental impacts appropriate to the nature and scale of our activities and monitor our environmental performance to prevent pollution and continually improve;
  • Integrate environmental factors in project planning through communication with our clients and other interested parties;
  • Manage hazardous waste in accordance with our clients and legal requirements;
  • Promote environmental awareness among our employees, suppliers and subcontractors in relation to our business activities.

At the same time, SAXUM is committed to creating long-term value in all the actions we develop. We understand Sustainability as a transversal and essential axis throughout the organization and areas of action. Our primary objective is to achieve a company that is more aware and responsible in the use of resources, its impact on the environment, its role in society and the community. All employees of our company are the main protagonists of the most important challenge of maintaining the best reputation in terms of the values of excellence and responsibility.

Local Communities Engagement

SAXUM's philosophy holds that development can only be approached in an integral way, incorporating the concepts of; COOPERATION, TRUST, ETHNICITY, IDENTITY, COMMUNITY and FRIENDSHIP, since it is these elements that constitute the social fabric on which politics and economy are based. In other words, they are the ones that generate social development, strengthen human capital and generate political stability, without them it is not possible to achieve sustainable and sustainable development.

SAXUM works closely with the community, promoting strategic alliances with public, private, NGO, etc., in attention to different areas of interest, which interact through the different projects. With the aforementioned purpose, a participatory methodology is used in each community, and for such purposes, it is agreed to create a coordinating group whose mission will be to centralize, guide and promote programs, initiatives or projects framed in the area of ​​interest. The coordinating group should promote:

  • The elaboration of social, community, productive, technical assistance, innovation and technological, social, educational, sports and cultural development projects.
  • The volunteering of specialized SAXUM personnel to promote activities of social interest and community benefit.
  • Carrying out specialization courses for company personnel as well as the general public.
  • A program of visits to the company's industrial complex, with the aim of strengthening ties between the community of influence, the family of employees and the company.

At the same time, at SAXUM we believe that education and training are key tools to transform society. From this place we work with young people and children from the populations where we settle, whom we consider the most important agents to influence and enhance their own contexts, in pursuit of a more inclusive, democratic and rights-promoting society.

Privacy Policy

SAXUM values your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our website, use our services, or interact with us. By accessing our website or engaging with SAXUM, you consent to the data practices described in this policy.

HR Policies

The efficiency and quality of our service strongly depends on the performance of each employee at SAXUM. Therefore, each position or task in our company is of utmost importance.

The company has issued a set of General Policies, Norms and procedures that aim to provide a framework for the correct and professional administration of the company's human resources.

In this framework, the HR policies that are developed are central tools for:

  • Contribute to decision-making related to Human Resources management.
  • Create, maintain and develop a set of human resources with skills and motivation sufficient to meet the objectives of the organization.
  • Provide clarity and agility in communication between members of the organization, towards our customers and suppliers.
  • Seek fair and equitable treatment of the Human Resources of our organization.
  • Guarantee that each collaborator can reach their maximum level of performance.
  • Create an effective environment for work relationships and guide ethical behavior throughout the organization.